The Parish Church of Saint John the Baptist was built in 1340 by order of Antonio Fieschi. Major restoration works were carried out in 1870, and much of the original architectural elements were removed and replaced. Thus, what’s left of the original edifice refers to two lateral portals lushly covered with decorative motifs. The interior is structured on three naves, and some of the most important highlights refer to a 1530 pulpit decorated with a bas-relief rendering Saint Martin, to a wooden crucifix by Maragliano and to a work representing a Preaching John Baptist allegedly created by Domenico Fiasella.

The façade which bears visible Gothic influences is part of results of the restoration works carried out in the 19th century, along with the church’s roof. The Parish Church of Saint John the Baptist is a must-visit for tourists who search out Riomaggiore in particular and Cinque Terre in general, and also one of the most important places of worship in the area.

Parish Church of Saint John the Baptist (Chiesa Parrocchiale di San Giovanni Battista)
Riomaggiore, Italy
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